Exhibitor Opportunities
Exhibit your services/products at ACSESS Leading Canada to Work 2018 expo and present to decision-makers.
Registration of $1,500 + HST includes:
- An 8' x 10' booth in the conference’s exhibition area, with pipe & drape, one 6’ draped table and two side chairs
- The opportunity to present your solutions to executives
Reserve your booth now, as space is limited.
All booths offered on a first-come, first served basis.
How to Become an Exhibitor
Exhibit space is sold out, however if you are still interested in participating, please contact saint-ivany@acsess.org for further options!
To reserve your booth, you can either use our secure online server or simply download the printable Exhibitor Application Form (PDF Format), fill it out completely and mail or fax your completed registration to the address/fax number indicated on the form.
For more information
Contact saint-ivany@acsess.org or 905-826-6869 or 1-888-232-4962.
Complete information about why you should consider exhibiting or sponsoring our conference is available in our PROSPECTUS. This document contains information about our delegate composition, Feedback from past exhibitors and sponsors, and much more.